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Law & Government | Leadership | Uncategorized | Videos Blind Politics: American Hegemony Lecture ByRegent University February 11, 2020January 28, 2021 In a town hall lecture for RSG students, Dr. Nolte addressed the topic of American hegemony. The lecture addressed whether…
Health & Wellness | Uncategorized Dr. Danny Holland on Working Through Grief ByPhilip Reynolds June 13, 2019January 28, 2021 Just last month, the Virginia Beach community was shocked, stunned and heartbroken by a shooting at the city’s municipal center…
Law & Government | Leadership | Uncategorized | Videos Ken Starr Talks about the Principle of Bipartisanship in Impeachment ByRegent University March 6, 2020January 28, 2021 Former Independent Counsel, U.S. Solicitor General, and Appellate Court Judge Ken Starr speaks at Regent about how the 2/3 majority…
Law & Government | Leadership | Uncategorized | Videos Regent’s Anthony Harper Conducts Interview with Sharren Haskel in Israel ByRegent University March 6, 2020January 28, 2021 Regent University student Dr. Anthony Harper, who has studied in Regent’s political communication program to add to his already earned…
Media & Entertainment | Uncategorized Why Do Stories Matter? – Dr. Peggy Southerland | Regent University ByPhilip Reynolds April 10, 2019January 28, 2021 Stories convey value, meaning, and truth, and culture is, in a sense, built on them. Storytellers carry influence with the…
Law & Government | Leadership | Uncategorized | Videos Set Point Civility in the LA Times Perry ByRegent University March 6, 2020January 28, 2021 Dean Perry argues against the LA Times op-ed response to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s call for civility in speech….