Comparing VA Election Results: What changed between 2017 & 2021? Analysis with Dr. A.J. Nolte ByRegent University November 17, 2021September 9, 2024
Law & Government | Leadership | Videos Bureaucratic Accountability and Responsiveness ByRegent University February 11, 2020January 28, 2021 How can a highly rationalized public bureaucracy based on expertise (merit) and about three steps removed from democratic accountability through…
Blog | Faith | Recent Stories The Biblical Father ByRegent University March 3, 2021March 3, 2021 by Joseph Franzese The Bible focuses on many families and prominent fathers throughout the history of Israel. As such, Scripture…
Culture | Education | Faith | Law & Government | Videos Blind Politics with Dr. AJ Nolte: Zarzar Internship Interview ByRegent University December 2, 2019January 28, 2021 At the recent Providence conference on national security, Dr. Nolte caught up with RSG student Abigail Zarzar, and they discussed…
Law & Government | Leadership | Videos The Minimum Wage Increase Benefits the Haves over the Have-Nots ByRegent University February 11, 2020January 28, 2021 While initial benefits of the 2020 minimum wage increases will go to those at the bottom end of the wage…
Blog | Faith | Recent Stories A Tribute to Dr. Howard Foltz ByRegent University November 11, 2021September 9, 2024 By Dr. Joseph Umidi What an honor for Dr. Howard Foltz’s office and mine to have been connected over the…
Law & Government | Leadership | Videos Set Point: Young People Earn More Now, but at What Cost? ByRegent University February 11, 2020January 28, 2021 Teen and young adult workers get wage bumps from the minimum wage, but businesses are looking to automate. Dean Steve…