A Tribute to Dr. Howard Foltz
By Dr. Joseph Umidi What an honor for Dr. Howard Foltz’s office and mine to have been connected over the…

Christian Leadership in Government
By Dean Michele Bachmann, with Dr. Gary RobertsRobertson School of Government Leadership is a holy calling founded upon eternal theological…

COVID and Federalism with Governor Bob McDonnell
Former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell You are invited to a conversation on federalism and the COVID response with Governor Bob…

The Biblical Father
by Joseph Franzese The Bible focuses on many families and prominent fathers throughout the history of Israel. As such, Scripture…

Was America’s Invasion of Iraq Just?
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (February 8, 2021) – For nearly two decades, American forces have been engaged in Iraq, first defeating…

Couples Conflict: Avoidance is Not an Option
by Daniel Waldheim We’ve all been there. At some point in your life, you have been wronged, purposely avoided addressing…

The Millennials’ March: A Critique of the Rise of Advocacy for Socialism
In the United States today, there is an increasing criticism of capitalism and a growing discontentment with the nation’s economic…

Does Singapore’s Economic Freedom Make it a Flourishing Country?
Singapore set a new precedent for national development when it transitioned from a third to first world country in just…

The Importance of Property Rights in Facilitating a Prosperous Economy and Human Flourishing
Abstract Private property rights are inherent to the capitalist system and their enforcement are essential for such a system to…