America is more sharply divided than at any time in many decades. Politically, socially, and theologically, ours is a nation divided by worldviews.
Many problems appear intransigent. Yet far too often, when workable solutions are offered, they are resisted. Motives are questioned, ground is staked, names are called – and nothing gets done.
Regent University wants to change this recurrent and frustrating pattern through the Center for Christian Thought and Action (CCTA). The CCTA will feature leading scholars and thinkers on a host of social and cultural problems, offering sharp analysis and carefully considered solutions.
Our goal is to provide carefully considered alternatives to the challenges our culture faces. The CCTA will offer commentary grounded in the biblical worldview, but it will be more than an opinion or educational site. We want to be part of the solution to our many divisions through winsome dialog, reasoned argument, and fact-based analysis, presenting ideas and proposals we believe can make a decisive difference as they are applied where needed.
Our framework is simple but profound: We affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of life. We join with the late Dutch statesman Abraham Kuyper in affirming that, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!’”
That’s welcome news, as Christ is a king whose love and wisdom infuse His will for humankind.
Join us in our journey as we pursue Truth, the advancement of the Gospel, and freedom through the Center for Christian Thought and Action.